Kolkata has a lot more to offer than spicy mutton masala.
Nestled on the Hooghly River in West Bengal, India, Kolkata has one of the highest population densities in the world and is among the fastest growing emerging market economies.
Investing in India
With its young, growing and increasingly educated population; reformist government; strong financial institutions; developed capital markets and burgeoning middle-class, India has become one of the world’s strongest economic growth prospects – and an attractive opportunity for the long-term investor.
Better outcomes start with better conversations.
From masala in Kolkata, India to ice cream in Zagreb, Croatia, our investment professionals are on the ground interviewing company management and visiting with locals to get a taste for the investment potential. Selecting companies for a diversified portfolio takes an understanding of consumer tendencies and first-hand knowledge of these developing economies.
“We really try to follow the consumer. When you get that mass market taking off, that’s more in the basic industries that we take for granted in our part of the world but are really luxury items in Africa, Southeast Asia, Central America.”
— Thomas Vester, Chief Investment Officer, LGM Investments
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LGM Investments
LGM Investments is the emerging and frontier markets equity specialist within BMO Global Asset Management. Learn more about our strategies:
Emerging markets equity
Frontier markets equity
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