Mandatory documents
You must provide the BMO Guaranteed Investment Fund Information Folder and Policy Provisions and the BMO Guaranteed Investment Fund Fund Facts to clients, in addition to the relevant application once completed and duly signed prior to the purchase of a Contract.Information Folder & Policy Provisions 602E Your clients should review this important information for key things they should know about their Contract.Fund Facts 773EThis document contains investment strategy, past performance, and the fees or charges that may apply for each segregated fund available through your clients’ BMO Guaranteed Investment Fund Contract.BMO GIF Application Form 592E For Client Name Individual (Registered & Non-Registered) and Corporate Contracts.BMO GIF Application Form – Nominee 589EFor all Individual and Corporate Contracts held in your Distributor’s Name acting as agent for the Contract, rather than BMO Life Assurance Company.BMO GIF Application Form – TFSA 642EFor Client Name TFSA Contracts only.
Supplemental documents
WealthLink for Investors – Making it Easy 843EThis 3-step guide explains how your clients can get online access to their BMO Guaranteed Investment Fund accounts.
BMO GIF Client Guide 595EBMO Guaranteed Investment Fund with illustrative examples of how features work. This guide gives an easy-to-read overview of
Reason Why Letter 817E You may want to share this letter with your clients to aid their decision-making process. Be sure to fill out the generic sections before you share.What is a Segregated Fund 598EETFs. It also provides detail on the estate planning advantages of segregated fund contracts. Help your clients learn the differences between segregated funds, mutual funds, and BMO GIF Monthly Savings Brochure 599EBMO Guaranteed Investment Fund can help your clients reach their retirement goals sooner. Illustrate how
Additional point of sale documents and resources
Investor Profile Questionnaire 615EThis short questionnaire can help determine your client’s risk tolerance and which BMO Guaranteed Investment Fund options may be suitable for them.
BMO GIF Performance PortalAdditional regulatory forms Looking for fund information? Research Lipper ratings for long and short term funds or browse by calendar year. Some non-registered and corporate contracts will require your clients to complete additional regulatory forms.
Non-registered contractsVerification of Identity and Third-Party Determination 576EPolitically Exposed Persons Questionnaire 420E Corporate contractsVerification of Identity and Third-Party Determination 576EDeclaration of Tax Residency for Entities RC519
Locked-in Account Addendums and Endorsements
Federal (Canada) | LIF | LRRSP | RLIF | RLSP Alberta | LIF | LIRA British Columbia | LIF | LIRA Manitoba | LIF | LIRA New Brunswick | LIF | LIRA Newfoundland and Labrador | LIF | LIRA | LRIF Nova Scotia | LIF | LIRA Ontario | LIF | LIRA Quebec | LIF | LIRA Saskatchewan | LIRA | RRIF
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