One Card
Best for
Categorizing all of your business expenses onto one card.
Speak with your BMO relationship manager to learn more.
Single card, for different business expenses
Flexible billing options
Comprehensive travel insurance and assistance benefits
Cardless accounts for department spend
Here are some features of the One Card
Features include:
Single card payments – use a single card to pay for multiple types of business expenses such as travel and fleet.
Decline Balance Option – available to facilitate and control employee spend to either a specific project, to assist departments or employees by proving a fixed budget on a separate corporate spend.
Department Cards issued by department are virtual (cardless) to help centralize spend.
Enjoy flexible billing and payment options to help you manage your business expenses.
Included insurance protection to help counter against potential risks.
Manage foreign exchange markup fees and exposure to exchange rate fluctuations with a U.S. dollar One Card.