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Shareholders’ Auditors’ Fees

Aggregate fees paid to the Shareholders’ auditors during the fiscal years ended October 31, 2020 and 2019 were as follows:

Fees ($ millions) (1) 2020 2019
Audit fees
based on applicable Canadian securities laws and U.S. SEC definitions
$21.1 $20.8
Audit-related fees
for accounting advice, specified procedures on the circular and other specified procedures
2.5 2.8
Tax fees 0.1 0.1
All other fees
mainly for reviews of compliance with regulatory requirements for financial information and reports on internal controls for services provided by various BMO businesses and for translation services
1.5 0.6
Total $25.2 $24.3

(1) The classification of fees is based on applicable Canadian securities laws and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission definitions.