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Make the switch to BMO with PowerSwitch

BMO PowerSwitch® makes transferring your banking from another financial institution easy and hassle-free. This free service will save you time and banking fees by having all of your accounts and payments under one BMO banking plan.

PowerSwitch® does the work for you

  • Transfers your current automatic pre-authorized payments and deposits to your new BMO account. This includes everything from utility bills and condominium fees to gym memberships.
  • Notifies your pre-authorized billers of your switch so you don't have to.
  • Provides you with forms to change your direct deposits, such as payroll deposits and government issued cheques.
  • Coordinates with your current financial institution to transfer your account balances to your new BMO account.
  • Sends a request to close your old financial institution's account after all of your pre-authorized payments and payroll have been transferred to BMO.

How to make the switch

Visit your local branch and sign a PowerSwitch authorization form to start the process. BMO will also provide worksheets to help you gather all the information from your bills, including the biller name and account number, and when the next payment is due.

Then, simply pick a date and time to have a PowerSwitch representative call you for this information, and we will help take care of moving your payments and balances from your current financial institution to BMO.

Visit your nearest branch or give us a call at 1-877-CALL-BMO (225-5266) for more information.

Enjoy a hassle-free switch today!