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Using the Legal Documents

In order to use the documents from this site, please download them first to your own personal computer's hard or floppy disk drive. You will then need to have either Microsoft Word 2003 (or higher) or PDF already installed on your machine to view and/or complete the document.

To start the download process, you must left click your mouse with the pointer over either the Microsoft Word or PDF icon located in the column to the left of the document name on the screen. Depending on the type and version of Browser that you use, you may get different results. Select the browser you are using from the list below to view the most common results:

Internet Explorer

Possible Alignment and/or Formatting problems:

Microsoft Word
It's possible that you may experience alignment or formatting problems with the documents when downloaded to your PC. Because each PC can be configured differently and customized to your specific needs, there may be many reasons for such problems. It is suggested that, as a first step, the following action be tried: When you have the document in Microsoft Word on your own PC, select "TOOLS", and then "OPTIONS", and then "COMPATIBILITY". Look at "RECOMMENDED OPTIONS FOR:" and ensure the box contains "MICROSOFT WORD 2003".

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Explorer Users

With Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word installed on your machine, the document will open directly into the browser (using Microsoft Word) when you left click the mouse over the hyperlink.

Another option to left clicking on the hyperlink is to right click on the hyperlink. This will present a popup list of selections similar to those shown below:


By left clicking on the "Save Target As..." option, you will have the option to specify the location and file name of your file to download.

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Netscape Users

When you left click the mouse over the hyperlink with Netscape Navigator 4 and above, you will get the following pop up window:


In this case, click the button labeled “Save it to Disk” and left click on "OK" to proceed to save this file to your own hard or floppy disk for later viewing. Alternatively, click the button labeled "Open it" and left click on “OK” to open the document directly into Microsoft Word.

You may also receive the following pop up message when left clicking on the original text hyperlink:

In this case you may click on the "More info" button to proceed to Netscape's web site to learn more about this message, or, if you know the application path of your Microsoft Word or other word processing software, you may click on the "Pick App" button and follow the directory structure to your application.

Another option to left clicking on the original hyperlink is to right click on the hyperlink. This will present a popup list of selections similar to those shown below:


Left click on the "Save Link As..." option and then you will have the option to specify the location and file name of your file to download.

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