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Confidentiality and Security
Protect Yourself
About Cache
Trademarks Belonging to Other Entities

Important notices to all users of this web site


Another of our security features is the installation of a product known as an Internet firewall. It is designed to prevent unauthorised access to the Bank's computer systems from external sources. The firewall is a combination of hardware and software designed to securely separate the Internet from our internal computer systems and databases.

All Internet data flows through a series of safety check points on its way to and from our internal systems so that only authorised messages and transactions enter our computing environment.

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Protect Yourself - Guidelines to Internet Security and Privacy

Ensure you protect the privacy of your banking information by not revealing your password to anyone else. In addition, when leaving your PC after completing activities in an encrypted area of the site, you may wish to clear your cache, or turn off and re-initiate your browser to eliminate any copies of Web pages that may have been stored in your hard drive.

Please keep in mind that messages you send to us by e-mail are sent outside of areas of the Web site using encryption. Do not send us any personal information (example: account numbers and/or card numbers) by Internet e-mail.

BMO Financial Group and its subsidiaries and affiliates will not be responsible for any damages you may incur if you communicate confidential information to us over the Internet, or if we communicate such information to you, at your request.

While in one of our protected online Internet sessions, you can send us a message through the Contact Us area. Your browser will encrypt the message using the most advanced security encryption method available (128-bit SSL). You can then send your message directly to us without leaving your protected session.

The use of personal Internet firewall software (inexpensive hardware solutions are also available) is recommended, particularly for users maintaining open connections over fast cable or digital subscriber line modems. Personal firewalls work in the background to protect the integrity of a system by controlling Internet connections to and from a computer and by alerting the user to attempted intrusions.

Additional measures to consider:

  • Install a good anti-virus scanner and keep it up to date. Scan Email attachments before opening them.
  • Never run any executable files received by email unless you are very sure of their authenticity.
  • Backup your system regularly.

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About Cache

Cache has been designed to improve performance and reduce network traffic. When you view a web page, it is stored in both your browser's memory cache and your computer's disk cache. Your browser relies on its memory cache when you use the browser Back button. Rather than going to the network to retrieve the page, the page is retrieved from the browser memory cache. To protect the confidential nature of your personal information, we highly recommend that you clear your browser's memory cache or close your browser (which will also clear the browser memory cache) after logging out of your account.


Some areas of our Web site allow you to have personalized settings. This is achieved by our site assigning a unique identification number to your Internet browser. This number is stored in a text file on your computer and is commonly called a cookie. This unique number (cookie) automatically identifies your browser - not you - whenever you interact with our web site. Only when you agree to provide information to our services directly, will we be able to know anything about you other than the random number (cookie) assigned to your browser.

Cookies are very small text files sent by a Web site to your Internet browser. They can only be read by the Web site that placed them. This simply allows the Web site to recognise your computer's browser when you return. Our cookies do not operate/run on your computer and have no ability to search your computer for other information.

Cookies are a common feature of the Internet today. If you have ever gone to a web site that automatically provides personalised content to you without you having to "log in," this is almost certainly being accomplished with a cookie.

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Trademarks Belonging to Other Entities

®† -- Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, MSN, The Microsoft Network and/or other Microsoft products are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft.

®** -- Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

© Copyright Bank of Montreal 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001

All information at this site is protected under the copyright laws of Canada and in other countries. In addition, certain information may be copyrighted by others. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy, redistribute, reproduce or republish in any form, any information found at this web site. Inquiries about permission should be directed to:

New Media
Corporate Marketing and P&C Sales
BMO Bank of Montreal
55 Bloor Street West
4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4E 3N5

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