What are debit spreads?
BMO’s David McGann and Options expert Tony Zhang provide an in-depth overview of debit spreads. Learn how to use them in episode 7 of Understanding Options.

Understanding Options Trading
Episode 07 – Debit Spreads
David McGann (00:17):
Hello to all of our viewers. My name is David McGann. I'm a director here at BMO InvestorLine. I'm thrilled to be co-hosting today's webinar on multi-leg strategies and specifically zooming in on debit spreads. This comes to you as part of our webinar series that seeks to unpack options trading. Be sure to check out our education hub to find other webinars in the series that may be of interest to you as well.
Once again, today we'll be joined with our friends at OptionsPlay. I'm pleased to introduce Tony Zhang. Tony is chief strategist at OptionsPlay, where he leads development of options trading products, education for investors, and oversees the firm's quantitative options research. He is a frequent contributor to CNBC for analysis on the markets with a specific lens using technical analysis, fundamentals, and options.
We're pleased to have Tony back and I know we have some great content to review today on debit spreads. With that, Tony, I'll hand things over to you.
Tony Zhang (01:10):
Thank you so much, David, and thank you so much everyone for joining us. Today we're going to be building on our Foundational Options Education Series where you learned about single-leg options, long calls, long puts, short calls, short puts. We're going to talk about how to combine those into the next stage of your options education journey, into multi-leg strategies. Specifically today, we're going to cover debit spreads, debit vertical spreads, what they are and how they can potentially benefit for your options trading.
Now before we get started, what we are going to discuss here today is purely for education and demonstration purposes. It is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any of the specific securities that we'll be using as example purposes during today's session.
Let's take a look at what we're going to cover during today's session. We'll start off by just introducing what is a debit vertical spread. For those of you that may not be familiar with this specific strategy, we'll make sure you understand how to construct it and go through some examples.
We'll start off with a bull call spread. That is a debit vertical spread that you can utilize in a bullish view of a specific security. Then we'll cover a bear put spread. We're going to probably spend a little bit more time on the bull call spread just to make sure you understand the strategy, the foundational elements of how they're built and specific outcomes because the bear put spread is effectively a mirror image of the bull call spread simply for bear strategies. Then what we'll do is we'll do a review of trading debit spreads at the very end to help you summarize everything that you've learned during today's session.
But the primary thing that I want you to be able to walk away from today's session is a clear understanding as to how can you gain a directional exposure in the markets utilizing options while minimizing your risks using strategies such as a debit vertical spread.
Let's go ahead and get started. Let's talk a little bit about what a debit spread is. Now, before we define a debit spread and talk a little bit about how they're constructed, I want to take a step back and make sure you understand when you might want to consider utilizing a strategy like a debit spread. First and foremost, you have to understand that these strategies are for speculative trading. Meaning this is a strategy that you would deploy when you have a directional view on the market, specifically a directional view where you believe that a specific security is trending either higher or lower and you believe that that trend will likely continue or reverse. The idea is that you have a directional view and you're trying to take advantage of that directional view by attempting to profit from it based on that directional view using a option strategy such as a debit spread.
Now, a debit spread also I think is important to understand because for a lot of traders that are exploring different options strategies, different option strategies have different characteristics. One of the most important ones about debit vertical spreads that I think is important for trading for most investors is the fact that it has defined risk. Not only does it have limited risk, it also has limited potential reward. What that means is that before you get into a trade, you know exactly how much you can potentially lose or gain before you get into that trade. Based on the number of contracts that you trade, you know exactly what your max loss and max gain is going to be on that specific trade if you were to hold that trade through expiration.
Lastly, I think it's really important for investors to learn about these types of multi-leg strategies such as debit spreads because if you are using only single-like option strategies such as long calls, long puts, or even short calls and short puts, what we're trying to do here with these multi-leg strategies is to improve your odds of success, improve your probability of profit on these types of strategies.
The best way to really understand that is when we do a comparison between a single-like strategy and a multi-leg strategy. After we go through an example of how to construct these strategies, we will go through a scenario analysis to see if the stock goes higher, if it goes lower, where do you outperform between the single-like strategy versus the multi-leg strategy and show you how you improve your odds of success when you use multi-leg strategies such as a debit vertical spread.
Now, it's really important to remember that when you're trading these types of speculative strategies using a debit vertical spread that you need to trade them in a market where you believe that there's going to be a fairly significant directional move in one direction or another in order for it to make sense to utilize this type of strategy. Meaning if let's say you believe that a stock is not going to make a material move either higher or lower, this might not be the right strategy for that specific outlook. We will talk about other strategies in future classes that might be better suited when you have more of a neutral view on an underlying security. But when you have a directional view, that's when you want to deploy a strategy such as a debit spread.
Before we break down a debit spread specifically, let's actually take a look at what we call the strategy driver of a debit spread. What that means is that even though you're trading multi-leg strategies where you're consisting of more than just a single leg of the options strategy, there's always typically one leg that is the main driver of that strategy. When we're talking about a debit spread, that main driver for a bullish strategy is going to be the long call. For a bearish strategy, it's going to be a long put.
The first example we're going to look at here is a bullish strategy. We're going to look at a long call. We're going to use Apple as an example. Let's say we buy an Apple call option that has a strike of $200. We pay in this instance $10 for this call option. Now what that means is that when you buy a call option, your view on the underlying stock is you believe that this stock is going to increase in value in the future. That's why you buy a call option because you believe that it's going to increase in value in future. You're hoping that it's going to exceed the break-even price of your call option that you've purchased in order to turn a profit on your investment.
The trade here when you have a bullish view and you are using a single like strategy is to simply buy let's say an at-the-money call option. Let's say Apple's trading at $200. You buy the $200 call option. In this particular instance, you pay $10 for that call option.
When you buy a single-leg option like a call option, one of the characteristics of this strategy that I think attracts a lot of beginner investors to this strategy is the fact that the potential reward on a long call option is unlimited. Meaning if the stock continues to move higher and higher and higher, you will continue to make more and more profits. Meaning there's no limit as to how much you can potentially make on the specific trade if the trade goes in the direction you expect it to.
On the downside, if the trade doesn't go in the direction you expect it to, and let's say the stock were to drop significantly after you buy a call option, well, not only do you have the unlimited upside potential, but you have limited risk. Meaning if let's say Apple was, in a very unlikely event, drop 50% or even more than that between now and the expiration of your options contract that you've purchased, the risk that you have on the specific trade is limited to how much you pay for that option.
In this particular case, because you'd paid $10 for the call option, which is roughly 5% of the stock's value, that's all you risk in this particular instance. You have unlimited upside potential if you get the directional view correct. If you get the directional view wrong, you're risking in this particular case $10 per share or roughly 5% of the stock's value. That asymmetrical risk profile is what attracts a lot of investors to utilizing options. Why not have unlimited upside while you can reduce your overall risk to the downside.
But there is one trade-off with this asymmetrical risk profile. That's the fact that you pay $10 for this call option and you have to exceed the break-even price of that strategy before you turn a profit. What that means is that in this particular case, if you're paying $10 for a $200 call option, the break-even price on the stock is on the strategy is $210. You have to exceed $210 by expiration in order for you to turn a profit.
What that means is that you could potentially buy a call option, have the directional view on Apple be correct, but still actually lose money on the trade because if let's say the stock ends up at 205 by expiration, because it hasn't exceeded your break-even price of $210, even though you got the directional view right, you actually still lose money on the trade. You have to not only believe the stock is going to move higher, you have to believe the stock is going to move materially laterally above the break-even price of the call option in order to justify buying that call option. Not every day are you going to come across a stock that you have a bullish view on that you also believe that the stock is going to make a fairly significant rally between now and the expiration date to justify buying the call option. That is where the debit spread comes into play.
Let's take a look at a call debit spread on the same example. I have a bullish view on Apple, currently trading around $200. Let's say I go out and buy the $200 call option on Apple, and just like the previous example, I'm paying $10 for that call option. Now think about an option because options have an expiration date, meaning there's a time limit as to how much time you will have to gain exposure to that underlying stock. What that also means is that within that time span, there's generally a reasonable amount as far as how far you think the stock could potentially move in the direction that you expected it to move in.
In this particular case, what you can do is instead of just outright paying on a call option which gives you unlimited upside exposure, what you can actually do is you can actually sell some of the upside in exchange for some premium.
In this example, instead of just outright buying the $200 call option and receiving unlimited upside potential, what I'm going to do is I'm going to at the same time sell an Apple 220 call option. In this particular case, let's say I collect $3 to sell that Apple $220 call option. What you're trying to do here is find a balance between a strike price such as 220 where you believe that the stock is not likely going to move materially much higher above 220, and at the same time it's going to collect a little bit of premium that's going to offset the overall risk on the trade. Because if you use a debit vertical spread, such as the example we're using here, instead of paying $10 for the upside exposure in Apple, now you're only paying a net debit of $7 for this bullish exposure here in Apple.
What you're doing here is you're basically reducing your overall risk to get into the trade. You're down to just $7 for the strategy. You're also reducing the capital outlay required to get into the trade. Instead of paying $10 per share to get into the trade, you're only paying $7 per share. That has the added benefit of not only reducing your risk, but if you do get the directional view correct, it's actually going to increase your return percentage because you're laying out less capital to get into the trade.
You would basically trade this type of strategy when you have the exact same view as in the previous example when you have a bullish view in the stock, but what you want to do is you want to choose a strike price where you believe that the stock is not likely going to go materially higher above that strike price so that what you're doing is you're selling a call option against the call option that you're buying. That's going to collect some premium, reduce your overall risk, potentially increase your return on the trade if you do get the directional view correct in exchange for trading off the upside above that short strike.
In this particular example, if the stock were to move materially above 220, I'm not going to be able to participate in that upside above the upper strike of my call option because I've effectively sold away any additional exposure above 220 in exchange for $3 of premium right now. That $3 premium is effectively a 30% reduction in your overall risk. You're going to see in the next slide, as we go through some examples of when the stock does move higher or lower, how much 30% savings in risk and capital outlay actually translates to in the overall trade at the very end.
David McGann (14:57):
Thanks, Tony. That was a great summary. If I were to try to just paraphrase I think some of what you shared, basically what we're doing by adding the short leg by selling the 220 call is we're offsetting some of the cost, reducing a bit of the risk, but we're giving up some of the potential top end, I guess, value that we could get. There's a cap to this strategy. Is that right?
Tony Zhang (15:22):
Yeah, that's exactly right. When we just buy the call option, we have unlimited upside exposure. If the stock goes to 230, 250, 300, we'll keep gaining exposure, and we'll keep increasing our profits as the higher the stock goes. When you trade a vertical spread like this, we are effectively capping our upside above 220. Even if the stock exceeds 220, we will not participate in any further upside because we've collected $3 to start off with selling that 220 strike. That's correct, David.
With that, let's now move into taking a look at how these two strategies perform side by side given the outlook that we have. In this particular example, just like the two that we went over before, Apple's trading at $200, and I have a bullish outlook on the stock. What we're going to do here is we're going to compare the two strategies that we just laid out, outright buying the $200 call option for $10 versus buying the 200, 220 debit call spread or bull call spread for a net debit of only $7. Reducing our overall risk by $3. Let's see how that compares side by side for different outcomes.
What we're going to look at are three different outcomes for this trade. Obviously after you buy a call option and you believe the stock is going to move higher, three things can happen, the stock can move lower, the stock can stay where it is or the stock can move higher. Let's take a look at the three different examples and how they would perform based on the two different strategies and see side by side what differences you're going to have and where you might be better or worse off between the two different strategies.
Let's say in the first example the stock doesn't move or the stock moves lower. Now whenever you buy a call option or you use a debit spread structure like this, whether the stock stays where you are or moves lower, especially with at-the-money call option, the outcome is the same, right? In this particular case, if the stock stays at 200 or the stock were to decline, you effectively lose the investment that you have or the investment that you've made on both of these strategies.
Now in the call option example, I've paid $10 per share or $1,000 per contract because each contract represents 100 shares. If I buy a call option for $10 and the stock stays at $200 or moves lower, I effectively lose all $1,000 that I've paid for that call option. If you look at the debit spread, I also lose the entire premium or the investment that I've made in that debit spread. But because I've collected $3 for selling that 220 call option, instead of just losing $1,000, I actually gained $300 on that short call option that also expires worthless in this particular example. My net loss on the specific trade is only $700 versus the $1,000 dollars. That's the first scenario where based on the debit spread, you're going to come out ahead versus just outright buying that call option. You're reducing your risk, so if the trade doesn't work out, you're reducing your overall capital outlay.
Now in our second example, let's say the stock does move in the direction we expect it to. It doesn't move perhaps as far as we would like, but it does start to move in the direction that we expect it to. In this particular example, let's say the stock moves up to 210 in the time between now and the expiration date of the option. Now if the stock reaches 210 by expiration, if I just bought a call option for $10, my break-even price on this trade is $210. $10 plus the $200 strike price is $210. If the stock lands at $210 at expiration, I end up with a break-even on my long call, meaning I don't make money, but I also don't lose any money. I spent $1,000, I basically make back my $1,000 and I'm at break-even. Not a win, not a loss if you simply bought a call option.
Now if you had bought a debit spread, this is really where you'd start to see a small gain because I only paid $7 to gain that upside exposure in Apple, which means my break-even price on this specific trade on the debit spread is only $207. If the stock rallies to $210, here I'm going to turn a small profit of $300 per contract for my trade. If I laid out $700 for my trade and I've now made $300 in profits, that is nearly 40% profit on this specific trade. Even though the trade moved just marginally higher above my break-even price, I do still have a positive return on my trade to show for it. This all comes down to that 30% reduction in capital outlay and capital risk that's going to turn a trade that was a break-even trade into a profitable trade by switching from a single leg to using a multi-leg like a debit vertical spread.
Now let's look at this last scenario. Let's say the stock really takes off. Maybe earnings comes out and we have better than expected earnings or some good news comes out with regards to the product with AI, whatever that catalyst is, the stock exceeds our expected move. Now let's say the stock ends up at $230 at expiration. Well, this is really where the call option really shines because you get unlimited upside exposure.
In this particular example, if the stock ends up at $230, that's a profit of $20 per share or $2,000 per contract. I spent $1,000 on my trade. I've now gained $2,000 in profits. That's a 200% return on my investment using that long call. I will say those types of examples don't happen very often, but when they do, the call option really shines.
Now in our second trade where we use the debit vertical spread, because we sold that 220 strike, remember we are capping any potential gains above $220. If the stock lands at $230, we're not participating in that last $10 of that rally of Apple stock. If the stock ends up at 230, yes, we still make $2,000 for the long call portion of our debit vertical spread, but what we're going to do is we're going to lose $700 per contract to the short call option of our vertical spread, which means that we net here, in this particular case, a profit of $1,300.
Now keep in mind here, now we spent about $700 on the debit vertical spread. Here we're turning, even in this scenario where we are effectively losing out on some of the potential profits because the stock exceeded that 220 strike, we still net out a $1,300 gain, profit on the specific trade. If you look at the return of these two strategies, they're actually still quite similar even though it looks like on paper you're making less profits on that debit vertical spread.
David McGann (22:43):
Tony, look, I think this is an excellent way to showcase the two strategies side by side, if you will, and obviously consider different outcomes at expiration. I think you hit a bang on. Even though for the bull call spread, the profit in the expires at 230 scenario is 1,300, that's still nearly doubling your money because your upfront capital outlay, your initial debit is $700, so nearly a double, much like you achieved with just a long call turning a thousand into 2,000. Nice win there, right? You're almost performing the same there. It expires at 210. You actually bag a bit of a profit, $300 versus breaking even on the long call. Then, of course, if the trade goes against you, you're not losing as much because you receive that credit.
What really jumps out at me, and I think probably jumps out a lot of our audience members, especially those that are newer to debit spreads and these strategies, is it really looks like a compelling strategy where you win across the board. Like we said earlier, obviously if Apple went to 240, 250 and above, you're not participating there, but I think you even mentioned it, those are probably more the rare and outlier type circumstances. This is a strategy that seems to be super compelling. It almost jumps out at you to say, "I might often be better off going down the route of a debit spread versus just a straight long call." I'm curious, what insights do you have to offer on that?
Tony Zhang (24:24):
Yeah, absolutely right. That's exactly why we laid it out in this particular table because a lot of times when you just look at the dollar amounts, it might seem like the long call far exceeds in that last example where you might want to use that long call because of that, even in the rare case you're going to make substantially more profits. But as you pointed out, even though it looks like on paper it's a much higher dollar amount, but on a percentage basis it's actually very, very similar.
In out of the three scenarios, in the last scenario where it looks like the long call actually outperforms, you're actually performing very similar return profiles. But in the other two scenarios where the trade doesn't work out exactly the way you expect it to, you're actually outperforming the long call, which is why out of the three different scenarios, I would say on average you're going to perform better using the debit vertical spread, which is why we advocate for investors to at the very least learn these types of strategies, understand that these are strategies that you can use in your portfolio. You might not use them every single time, but you might find them useful more often than not.
David McGann (25:32):
Excellent, thank you.
Tony Zhang (25:34):
Lastly, let's talk a little bit about when to use these specific strategies. Like we mentioned earlier, debit spreads are for when you have a directional move. In this particular case, when we look at a chart here, the idea of using a debit vertical spread is when you believe the stock is going to rally perhaps from a previous support level to the next resistance level, and you believe that there's a directional move that's going to happen.
It also is also a strategy that is better used when there's a lower implied volatility environment, simply because the strategy driver of the strategy is a long call. Long call options will perform better when implied volatilities are low, meaning the options are cheaper and the premium that you have to pay for that call option is a little less, which also means the break-even price of your strategy is going to be a little closer to the current price of the underlying stock.
But generally speaking, if you've established a bullish trend and you've waited for a pullback here in the bullish trend, you're expecting that trend now to continue, those are examples of when you might want to consider using a debit spread. Where you have defined support, defined resistance, and you simply use the debit spread to straddle that defined support and resistance level to trade within that trading range. You have the choice of either using a long call or a debit spread in these types of examples, but like in the scenario that we showed you, many times you might find that the debit spread will give you a better risk-reward ratio majority of the time when you use these types of directional views in the overall markets.
David McGann (27:15):
Tony, I want to build on that for a minute, if you don't mind. Under that used for section, we introduced the idea of implied volatility, and in particular we call out directional move with lower implied volatility. It means options are likely cheaper to buy. What about the opposite situation or scenario where implied volatility is higher? Does that negate or take away from the strategy? Can you expand on that a little bit?
Tony Zhang (27:45):
Really fantastic question. It's actually, even though it is ideal to use debit spreads in a low implied volatility environment, I would say that when implied volatility is high, that is even more of a reason to consider using a debit vertical spread. Because when options are very expensive, what that means is that just simply outright buying a call option is going to be expensive, which means that the premium that you pay is going to be higher and the break-even cost is actually going to be further away from the current price of the stock, which is more of a reason to sell that upper strike, collect some premium and reduce the overall risk, reduce the overall capital outlay and reduce the break-even price on the strategy. The higher the IV, the more I think that it makes sense to use a spread to reduce a little bit of that in high implied volatility, the expensiveness of just outright buying that straight call or put. Hopefully, that-
David McGann (28:46):
Interesting. Basically, it works really well in low implied volatility environments, but potentially could even work better in higher implied volatility environments because, of course, you're getting that higher premium on the short leg that you're selling. Really insightful stuff, Tony. Thank you for expanding on that.
Tony Zhang (29:04):
I would just clarify to say I think it's even more necessary to use it in high implied volatility environments than low implied volatility environments because in low and volatility environments I would say you have a better choice. You can choose between the call option and the debit spread. Versus in high implied volatility environments, I would say it almost necessitates, to some degree, using that spread to negate the fact that implied volatility or options are so expensive.
Now that we've spent quite a bit of time dissecting a bull call spread, a debit vertical spread for a bullish view, let's take a look at it for a bearish view. This is really where if you understood everything that we laid out in the first example, this is really just going to be a mirror image of what we learned before. Let's take a look at, let's say I have a bearish view here on Apple. Apple's trading around $200 and for whatever reason, I believe that the stock is going to drop in value going forward.
This is really where as an equity investor, if you were just outright trading stocks, you don't have a lot of choices here. You can either sell your stock and hope that you can buy it back later at a lower price, but as a stock investor, you don't have a lot of choices. You can also sell short, which is not also something that a lot of investors may have access to, but this is really where options can give you bearish exposure to an underlying security such as using a put option contract.
In this particular example, let's say I buy an Apple $200 put option, which is the at-the-money put. Let's say I have to pay $10 for that $200 at-the-money put option. Just like the previous example, what I pay is going to be my total risk on this specific trade, so $10 per share or $1,000 a contract.
Now when we talk about potential reward for a put option, technically speaking we call it substantial, meaning the stock can't go below zero. There's a limit as to how much money you can potentially make on the specific trade. But for a lot of investors, you can think of it as almost as unlimited reward because you basically can continue to make more and more profits as long as the stock keeps moving lower and lower and lower. There's just a theoretical limit as to how much lower the stock can move because stocks can't go below zero. There is technically a limit to how much money you can potentially make on a put strategy.
But when you think about from an asymmetrical risk profile perspective, it is very similar to an unlimited profit potential with a limited risk potential here. You're risking $10 to potentially make as much as, in this particular case, $19,000 if the Apple were to decline to $0 by the expiration date.
Just like the call option, you have effectively a mirror image of the call option just for bearish exposure. A lot of times the attractiveness of this specific strategy is the fact that you can take this substantial downside exposure to Apple, if it were to decline significantly, in exchange for risking a small percentage of the stock's value to take that bearish exposure. $10 out of a $200 stock equates to only a roughly 5% of the stock's value that you're risking to have this bearish exposure.
But just like the long-call option, the trade-off that you make with this bearish exposure in this type of risk profile is the fact that the stock needs to move below your break-even price before it's profitable. If you're paying $10 for a $200 put option, your break-even price is effectively at $190. In order for you to justify buying a put option, you have to believe that the stock is going to be below $190 between now and the expiration date.
Only in that scenario it doesn't make sense for you to buy that put option. Not every day do you necessarily believe the stock is going to decline by $10 between now and that expiration date. Not only do you have to believe it's going to decline by $10, you have to believe it's going to decline by more than $10 because that's what it's going to take to turn a profit on the trade. You certainly aren't going to buy a put option just to break-even. You're trying to buy it because you want to turn a profit.
This is really where a debit spread can potentially step in because just like a call option, when you buy a call option, you think the stock's going to move higher, there likely is going to be a limit as far as how much higher you think that stock can move between now and that expiration date.
Well, same thing happens to the downside. If there's an expiration date, theoretically you probably have a view as to how much lower the stock could move within now and that expiration date. Instead of just outright paying $10 for unlimited downside exposure all the way down to zero, you can effectively say, "Well, I don't think the stock is going to materially move below $180 even though I'm bearish on the specific security." What I can do is I can sell a $180 put and collect some premium for that. In this particular case, if I sell the 180 put and collect $3, now what I'm effectively doing is getting the same bearish exposure that I'm getting with the long put, but now I'm reducing my overall risk by $3 down to just $7 or $700 per contract. What I'm doing is for reducing my risk and reducing my capital outlay, I'm giving up any potential gains below $180. If the stock were to drop below 180, I don't participate in it in exchange for the $3 that I collect.
$3 may not sound like a whole lot on a $200 stock, but remember, you're reducing your risk from $1,000 a contract to $700 a contract. That is a 30% reduction in risk, a 30% reduction in capital outlay. As we look through the few different examples here, you're going to see that 30% reduction actually translates to a pretty substantial gain in return profile that actually nets out very similar gains as the long put in many different scenarios.
Just like the example before, let's take a look at Apple currently trading at $200. I have a bearish outlook on this specific stock. Let's compare buying a long put with a debit spread. In the long put example, because I've paid $1,000 for that long put, if Apple stock were to stay at $200 or higher, well, in this particular example, I'm going to lose $1,000 because I had a bearish view on the stock. The stock didn't move lower or maybe even moved a little bit higher, so now I'm losing $1,000 per contract on my long put.
If we were to compare that long put to a long debit spread, which is a bear put spread, yes, I lose $1,000 on the put option that I purchased as part of my debit spread, but I'm going to gain $300 on the short put option that I've sold for $3, which means my net loss in the trade is now going to be instead of $1,000 per contract, is only going to be $700 per contract. This is always going to help when the trade doesn't go in the direction you expect it to and you risk less than if you were just to outright buy that call or a put option.
Now in the second scenario, let's say the stock does move in the direction I expect it to, but it doesn't move perhaps as much as I would like it to. This is a pretty common scenario that a lot of options traders will come across where you get the directional view right, but it doesn't quite move as much as you perhaps you might have hoped. In this particular example if the stock moves down to $190, which just happens to be the break-even price of my long put option, that's where the put option nets a break-even or a zero, no profit, no loss. Versus if you bought the debit spread, yes, you would net the same zero on the long put option, but you also gain the $300 on the short put option. Now your net gain here is $300. That's again, a nearly 40% gain on the debit spread versus just outright buying a put option, which gives you effectively a 0% return on your trade before you net out any commissions or fees.
Just in this example where you get the directional view right, maybe it doesn't move as far as you would like, you get a net gain on the debit spread versus outright buying that put option. In the last example, let's say the stock does move materially lower and maybe even exceeds how much lower you think it can go. This is again, where the put option tends to shine. A call or a put option when the stock makes a big move, that's when those strategies shine. In this particular case, if the stock moves down to $170, I'm going to gain $2,000 per contract on my long put. On $1,000 that I spent, I'm going to gain $2,000. That's a 200% return on my investment by buying that put option if the stock makes a material move here to the downside.
Then when you look at the debit spread, you're going to see, yes, I gained $2,000 in the long put, but I lost $700 on the short put that I've sold. My net gain here is only $1,300, which again, just like the previous example on paper sounds like I'm really missing out on some potential gains because I use a debit spread. This is actually where a lot of people shy away from using debit spreads because they're thinking, what if the stock does make a big move and I don't get to participate on all of that move? That's a perfectly valid reason. But as you can see, a $1,300 profit on a trade where I only risked $700 is still nearly a 200% return, a near identical return profile to that long put. Yet in the two previous scenarios if the stock moves higher or just moves a little bit lower, in both of those scenarios, I'm going to outperform using the debit spread.
That's why, in my opinion, if you have a directional view on the markets on any stock, whether it's a higher or a lower, you should at the very least be familiar with the debit spread so that you can do this type of analysis and see for yourself whether it might make sense for your portfolio. Because in many scenarios, you will find that the debit spread will likely either perform better than just an outright call or a put, or at the very least perform very similar to that call, just a single-leg outright call or put. That's why, in my opinion, I think this is such an important strategy for investors who have found that they've understand the foundational knowledge of long calls and long puts to start learning because you're going to be able to benefit from these types of multi-leg strategies when you have a directional view to express in the markets.
In the same example as we were looking at before, if let's say you were trading a bearish view of a specific stock, this is really where you would want to consider using a long put or a bear put spread. These are generally scenarios that you would use when perhaps you believe the stock has broken a support level and you think it's going to continue to the next support level. Basically, you have a directional view that's bearish in nature versus bullish in nature.
Just like the previous example, generally speaking when you're using a bearish trade with a put option or a bear put spread, they are best used in a low implied volatility environment. Meaning the premiums that you're paying for the strategy driver, which is the long put or in both scenarios is going to be relatively inexpensive. Inexpensive means lower premiums that you pay, lower risk that you take and break-even prices that are closer to the current price of the stock. The stock doesn't have to move as far before your strategy is going to be profitable.
With that, what that brings us to is just a quick review of trading debit spreads. Let's talk about what and when do you want to trade a debit spread and what strategy do you want to trade? When you have a strong directional bias and implied volatility is low, and you think that implied volatility can potentially expand, and you have an options level that allows you to trade spreads, that's when you can buy an at-the-money call or a put depending on whether you're a bullish or bearish on the stock and then add a defined risk, meaning sell a call or a put option against the call or a put that you've purchased to offset the overall risk.
At the same time what that offset of risk will cap the potential rewards of both of those strategies. But in many of the scenarios that you will find, even though you're capping the upside of both of those strategies by reducing your overall risk, you are likely in many instances to still come out ahead even though you've capped that risk. Even when the stock exceeds your expected move, in many cases you'll actually still outperform just an outright buying that call or put. That's why it's such an important tool, in my opinion, to understand strategies like this as you build your foundational knowledge to utilizing more complex strategies such as debit spreads.
An example, if let's say the stock is trading at $100 and you're bullish on it, you might want to buy a $100 call option and then sell maybe a 110 call option against it. This is really where you have to find a little bit of, you have to experiment and try out different strike prices. You're buying at-the-money call, but the question is which call option do you sell against it? You're trying to find the balance between a strike price where you don't believe the stock is going to likely move materially above that price, but at the same time is going to bring in enough premium to offset the cost of that long call. There is some fine-tuning that you're going to have to learn as to figuring out where that short strike should belong.
Now in terms of setup and just some tips about trading this type of strategy, remember time decay is something that works against a debit spread. Meaning as you hold on to a debit spread, time decay is going to work against that specific trade, which is why we say that this is a directional strategy that is fairly sensitive to timing. You need to understand when you will have an expected move. You generally want to buy a debit spread just before you expect that expected move to materialize. Not too far before because you have to have time decay working against you when you are owning that long call or put or that debit spread.
Lastly, like we said before, lower implied volatility indicates that options are relatively cheaper to purchase, which means that you're going to have a lower risk, and you're going to have generally a higher probability of profit because the break-even price is closer to the current price of the stock when options are inexpensive.
Lastly, what I'll leave you with are some tips with regards to once you enter a debit spread. These rules apply whether you're trading a single-leg strategy like a long call or a long put, or if you're trading a debit spread like the ones that we're laying out during today's example, which is when should you consider taking profits, when should you consider taking losses, meaning when do you manage these trades depending on the different views that you have for the underlying security?
As a general rule of thumb, what we typically look at once you've entered a trade like this is the premium that the option that you're trading for, the change in the premium of the options that you've purchased. Generally speaking, if you've purchased an option for X-dollars, you generally want to take profits once the premium that you've purchased it for doubles. If you purchase a call option for $1 and it's now trading at $2, that is a good example of when you might want to consider exiting that call option.
Vice versa, if let's say you paid $1 for a call option and now it's trading for 50 cents, so you've lost 50% of the premium that you paid, that's usually a good indication that the view that you have on the underlying security has not panned out, and it's certainly unlikely to pan out in the timeframe that you're expecting it to. It's better off instead of just holding onto a call or a put option or a debit spread through expiration hoping that it's going to come back in your favor, it's sometimes better off to take a loss, keep the other 50 cents or the remaining half of the option that you've purchased and applying that premium to the next trade, accepting a loss and moving on rather than just holding onto these trades all the way through expiration hoping that the stock is going to come back.
Because once you lose 50% of the premium of a call option or a debit spread, chances of that call option coming back into a profit is far less likely that many times you're better off just taking a loss, accepting the fact that the trade is not working out in the timeframe that you're expecting to and saving that last half of that premium and applying it to that premium to the next trade.
Lastly, you might find yourself in a scenario where perhaps the trade is moving a little bit in your favor, but you need more time. That's really where rolling a call option or a debit spread might make some sense. That typically means what you're doing is you're going out further in time. Let's say you buy a 30-day option today. As you approach the expiration of that option, perhaps you still have a bullish view or still have a bearish view, and you think the stock can continue to run or continue to decline. Well, then you might want to buy a call option that's 30 days out from the time that you are rolling that call option buying yourself more time. Generally the rule of thumb there is you want to recenter your strikes at the time that you're rolling your strategy.
Let's say you bought the $200 call option today and a month later the stock's trading at 210, you would want to buy a new 30-day call option at the time that you're rolling it and then perhaps rolling it up to maybe the 210 strike. Wherever you started off today, because it's 200 and you bought the 200 strike, next month it's at 210, so maybe you might want to buy the 210 call option and maybe sell the 230 call option against it. You're always generally re-centering the strikes based on where the stock is trading at the time that you're rolling it and then moving it out further in time based on how much time that you think you might still need on this specific trade.
Those are some tips that I have with regards to trading debit spreads overall.
David McGann (48:42):
Tony, look, big thank you. I think you've done a wonderful job to really unpack what are debit spreads as a strategy, why and when might we want to consider them. Frankly, judging from a lot of what you've walked us through here, it's a strategy we should be considering quite often when we're thinking about having a directional view, whether it be bullish or bearish on a particular underlying stock or ETF. I think you've done a wonderful job to really showcase some of the pros and cons and trade-offs, et cetera, versus going with just straight long calls or long puts.
The other thing I think is interesting here, and this might speak to just the breadth of flexibility and options there are for traders and investors, is we've largely been looking at examples that are using strike prices that are at and near the money. But obviously you can apply the same concepts in terms of buying a call and selling a call, or on the flip side, puts that are either deep in the money, much deeper in the money or far out of the money.
I'm just curious if you have any sound bites, any thoughts, any insights on when or what traders or investors might want to consider if they are thinking about either going deep in the money or further out of the money, anything to share with regards to some of that?
Tony Zhang (50:15):
Yeah, absolutely. That's a really great question. Generally speaking, when we talk about the benefit of options is that you have a lot of options. You're generally trading off two things. You're generally trading off probability versus risk to reward.
When you talk about, in the examples that we gave, we're all talking about at-the-money options. When you go deeper in the money, what you're trading, what you're getting with a deeper in the money option is a higher probability of profit. But what that typically means is that you're going to have a lower risk to reward. Your risk to reward is going to be a little bit more balanced in exchange for a higher probability of profit. Vice versa, if you want to go out of the money, what you're doing is you're getting a really strong risk reward, so maybe you're risking $1 to make $10, but your probability of profit is going to drop substantially.
It's really a spectrum. I always think about options as a spectrum. You're trying to figure out where on the spectrum you want to be. The two components that you're trading off is probability of success versus risk to reward. One is always going to be counterbalanced by the other.
I generally don't love to be on one extreme or the other. I like to be somewhere in the middle. But in different scenarios, you might want to have a better risk to reward. Such as, I think a good example of this is earnings. When earnings are coming up and there's a binary event and something can happen very quickly, I prefer having a stronger risk to reward with a lower probability of profit. I'm willing to accept that I'm not going to get every earnings play right, but when I do get them right, I like to get a three-to-one, four-to-one risk to reward ratio on those types of trades and I go for out of the money debit spread.
But perhaps when there's no catalyst coming up and the stock's not moving a whole lot but I have a directional view, that's when I might lean a little bit more towards in the money option. I'm usually not too far deep in the money or too far out of the money because, like I said, I don't particularly love being at one extreme or the other, but it's about understanding the spectrum and what trade-offs that you're making on that spectrum and where you want to be.
David McGann (52:17):
That's perfect. Thank you, Tony, and a big thank you once again. Thank you to our audience for joining us today. Hopefully you're walking away with some great insights on using and exploring debit spreads as a trading strategy.
We're going to be coming back with a follow-up session on multi-leg options where we're now going to shift to credit spreads. Of course, today the focus being debit spreads where the net effect of buying and selling an option means your account is still debited, we're going to look at the flip side where the net effect of buying and selling an option actually results in your account immediately being credited. This is a strategy that often appeals in particular to investors that are seeking to try to use their portfolio or just frankly that strategy to generate some additional income. Be sure to tune into that one as well, especially if you'd enjoyed this one. Thank you once again, Tony, and thank you to our audience. We'll see you next time.
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