Cash back credit cards
Keep it simple with a cash back credit card! You’ll earn cash back every time you use your card, which you can then put into your bank account or online investment account or redeem as a statement credit. It’s that easy.
How to collect your cash back
- Redeem your cash back any time for as low as $1 or set up an automatic recurring deposit starting at $25.
- Easily check your cash back balance as it grows with BMO Online and Mobile banking.
- Get your cash back rewards by either depositing them into a BMO chequing, savings or InvestorLine account or turning them into a statement credit on your cash back card.
Choose how often you want to collect your money: when you’ve earned a recurring, specific amount (e.g. every time you earn $25), or whenever you want a one-time lump sum.

Cash backFrequently Asked Questions
Cash back credit cards give you back a percentage of your spending, which you can use to pay down your credit card balance (as a credit statement) or deposit it into your bank account.
Primary cardholder? You’re in luck! Only the primary cardholder (the person who first signs up for the BMO® Mastercard®*) is authorized to redeem accumulated cash back.
- That’s up to you! You have the option of choosing a one-time or recurring redemption, as well as depositing your cash back into your BMO chequing, savings or InvestorLine account. Redeem anytime for as low as $1 or set up your recurring redemption starting at $25.
It’s easy! There are three simple ways to see how much you’ve earned:
- Log in to the www.bmocashback.com.
- Check your cash back balance on your monthly BMO® Mastercard®* statement.
- Check your cash back balance when you log in to BMO Online Banking or the BMO Mobile Banking app.
To help you keep tabs on your cash back activity, your Online Statement shows you how much you’ve earned, up to the billing date. Any cash back earned after the billing date will be included in your next month’s statement.
- You’ll need a minimum of $25 cash back earned for recurring redemption, and a minimum of $1 for a one-time lump sum redemption.
- To get direct deposits, you need a BMO chequing, savings or InvestorLine account.