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Carbon Neutrality

*Relative to energy consumption and transportation emissions.

BMO achieved enterprise-wide carbon neutrality in August 2010. This milestone reflects our cumulative efforts in three areas: reduced energy consumption in our real estate facilities and for employees’ business-related travel; our investment in electricity from renewable sources; and our purchase of high-quality voluntary carbon credits to offset any remaining emissions.

Learn more about how we achieved that goal.

Since 2010, BMO has maintained carbon neutrality even as our operational footprint expands. In addition to our focus on reducing our emissions from facilities and transportation for business purposes, we have continued to invest in renewable energy and high-quality carbon offsets to mitigate emissions.  In fiscal 2016, BMO purchased:

  1. 120,616 MWh of 100% renewable energy in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates in both Canada and the United States.  This amount is enough to mitigate the Scope 2 emissions resulting from electricity use in our facilities located in North America by 59,553 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent.
  2. 109,925 tonnes of high-quality carbon offset credits to mitigate our remaining enterprise emissions.  These offsets were sourced from four different projects in Canada. 

Learn more about the specific project details.

Emissions Reduction

We are committed to reducing the impact of our business operations on the environment. The largest contributing factor to that impact – approximately 87% – is the energy use in the real estate space we occupy. Business transportation by our employees and the fleet of vehicles we own account for most of the balance.

Since 2008, BMO has set and achieved three separate multi-year enterprise emissions reduction targets. The most recent ones are described as follows:

Emissions Reductions




Absolute Emissions Target
Est. 2013

Reduce absolute enterprise carbon emissions by 10% versus fiscal 2012 baseline levels (adjusting for weather and emissions factors), by the end of fiscal 2017.



Absolute emissions decreased by 13.9% at the end of fiscal 2016 vs. fiscal 2012 baseline, exceeding our 10% target one year ahead of schedule.

Intensity Based Emissions Target
Est. 2013

Reduce enterprise carbon emissions by 0.50 tonnes per employee versus a fiscal 2012 baseline level of 4.76 tCO2e/FTE (adjusting for weather and emissions factors), by the end of fiscal 2017.



Reduction of 0.53 tCO2e per FTE realized versus the target of 0.50 tCO2e, exceeding our target one year ahead of schedule.

Learn more about our achievements.

In 2017 we established a new five-year target to reduce absolute carbon emissions by 15% compared to the fiscal 2016 baseline.

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Consumption Reduction




Enterprise Paper Consumption Reduction
Est. 2012

Five-year goal put in place to reduce enterprise paper consumption by 25% (based on 2011 consumption level of 6,626 tonnes).


Reduced paper consumption by 35% versus the 2011 base year numbers.

Learn more about our achievement.


In 2017, we established a five-year target to reduce water use intensity (m3 water /m2 real estate) by 8% compared to the fiscal 2016 baseline.


Establishing a baseline for waste (landfill and recycling) across the wide variety of facilities that we occupy has been challenging, mainly due to the availability of reliable data. While we are making progress and have established baselines and targets at some of our larger facilities, we have not yet announced an enterprise-wide target.

Measurement and Accountability

We will measure progress against our targets annually, and report to BMO’s Sustainability Council.

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