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Environmental Performance

Greenhouse gas emissions summary report

In the 2017 period, BMO Financial Group's total reported emissions were 163,248 tonnes CO2 equivalent (tCO2e).

The reported emissions arising from energy combustion and purchased electricity/steam are enterprise-wide and account for energy consumed by all BMO operations in Canada and the United States, as well as our international operations.

Waste to Landfill emissions represent annualized data available for major owned facilities across our network.

PDF logo BMO 2017 Total Emissions by Source - Operational (PDF)

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Operational ECO5 summary report

BMO has developed the ECO5 strategy to help focus our efforts in managing the environmental impacts of our operations in five key areas. This summary report details the major indicators we use to guide us in the implementation of this strategy and in achieving continual improvement.

PDF logo BMO 2017 ECO5 Summary Report - Operational (PDF)

Emissions Verification Statement

Morrison Hershfield Ltd was engaged by Bank of Montreal to provide a commercially independent third party verification of the completeness and accuracy of its Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. Morrison Hershfield Ltd has provided reasonable assurance that Bank of Montreal’s stated Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions have been:

  • Verified in accordance with The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard revised edition, dated March 2004;
  • Verified per the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14064 Part 3; Specification with Guidance at the organization level for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions Version 14064-3:2006, dated March 2006, and;
  • Are accurate within the established 5% materiality threshold for each scope.

PDF logo View the statement (PDF)

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CDP (formerly The Carbon Disclosure Project)

CDP (formerly The Carbon Disclosure Project) is an ongoing effort to enhance the level and quality of carbon emissions disclosure from publicly traded corporations. A growing number of Institutional Investors want to know what companies are doing to mitigate and manage their contribution to increased greenhouse gases and in turn global warming.

In 2018, we provided the following response to the CDP which represents the relevant data for our fiscal 2017 period:
PDF logo BMO CDP 2018 Response (PDF, 638 Kb)



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