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Exchange Listings

Toronto Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange

Symbols & Reference Numbers

Toronto Stock Exchange: B M O New York Stock Exchange: B M O CUSIP: 063671101 0000927971

Common Share Trading Information

Common shares outstanding (as at: 25 February 2025) 730.7 million
Market Capitalization (25 February 2025): $105.0 B

Common Share history

common share history
Common Share history
March 29, 2022 Public Share Offering 20,843,750 shares
March 14, 2001 100% Stock Dividend Equivalent to a 2-for-1 Stock Split
March 20, 1993 100% Stock Dividend Equivalent to a 2-for-1 Stock Split
June 23, 1967 Stock Split 5-for-1 Stock Split

Proxy Access Policy

At B M O, we are proud of our strong corporate governance record, and we consider our Board of Directors’ adoption of a proxy access policy to be a further indication of our willingness to listen and respond to the broader shareholder community. Our Board has reviewed prevailing proxy access models, and consulted with outside legal advisors to develop a form of proxy access policy that would permit qualifying shareholders to have their own director nominee(s) included in the Bank’s management proxy circular and form of proxy. Our policy is generally consistent with those prevalent in the United States, except for differences reflecting the Canadian statutory regime. Proxy Access Policy

Georgeson Asset Reunification Program

B M O has engaged Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc. ("Georgeson") to administer an Asset Reunification program to search and locate holders of lost assets and reunite our B M O shareholders with their unclaimed cash and/or share entitlements. If you have any questions regarding participation in the Asset Reunification program, please contact Georgeson toll free at 1-866-962-0502 or collect at 514-982-2390 or visit the Georgeson Website.